Attention all Oxolo users! We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new interface and design for our template gallery, making your video creation experience even more effortless and enjoyable!

With our sleek and intuitive new design, you will have quick and easy access to our templates that will help you create engaging and professional videos in just minutes. Whether you’re looking to promote your business, showcase your latest product our gallery has everything you need to bring your ideas to life.But that’s not all! Don’t forget our range of powerful editing possibilities that will enable you to customize your video with ease. From changing colors and fonts to adding your own text, images, and music, you can make your video truly unique and unforgettable.

So what are you waiting for? Log in to Oxolo today and start exploring our brand new template gallery. With our powerful new interface and design, you’re sure to create videos that will leave a lasting impression on your audience.