Exciting news for all Oxolo users!

We're thrilled to announce the addition of two new features that will help you enhance your video content and gain valuable insights into its performance.

First, we've introduced our custom video player, designed to deliver a seamless video experience for your users while also providing valuable analytics data. With our player, you can fully customize the look and feel to match your brand and offer features like subtitles, video speed control and more. Plus, our built-in analytics tracking will give you a deeper understanding of how your videos are performing, including data on play rates, drop-off points, and engagement. Upgrade to our custom video player and make informed decisions to optimize your video content and drive engagement and conversions.

Secondly, we're excited to introduce our video embedding functionality, allowing you to easily add videos to your website or application by using an iframe. With just a few lines of code (provided by us), you'll be able to embed videos to your website. The iframe also ensures that your website's layout and functionality remains intact while the video is being played. This feature will increase user engagement and help to boost conversion rates on your website.

And, as always, our video embedding functionality works seamlessly with our custom video player, allowing you to gather insights on your videos and make data-driven decisions.

So what are you waiting for? Log in to your Oxolo account today and take advantage of these powerful new features to enhance your video content and drive engagement and conversions.